Veewise rests for mpl season 12

The recent announcement that legends Ohmyv33nus and Wise would not participate in the upcoming MPL-Ph Season 12 sent tremors through the passionate Filipino Mobile Legends fanbase. Nicknamed “VeeWise”, the superstar duo led Blacklist International to establish a dynasty, claiming back-to-back world championships in 2020 and 2021.

With their uncanny chemistry and individual brilliance, VeeWise became household names in the Philippines and cemented Blacklist as the nation’s pride. Their highlight reel plays and ability to triumph in close games made Blacklist seemingly invincible.

Loss of VeeWise Leaves Blacklist Vulnerable

Losing VeeWise feels akin to Michael Jordan retiring from the Chicago Bulls after their second three-peat. They were the undisputed heart and soul of the team. Fans earnestly hoped VeeWise would reunite for one last hurrah on home soil, with the prestigious M5 World Championships happening in the Philippines this December.

Alas, that dream matchup will remain just a fantasy. Now Blacklist must traverse uncharted territory without the stars who rocketed them to glory. It raises uneasy questions about their future prospects.

Since the start of MPL in 2018, Blacklist struggled before VeeWise joined in 2020. Back then, Blacklist had flashes of potential but lacked the consistency and composure to win championships. VeeWise provided the structure and stability for their talents to mesh properly.

Next Generation Now Gets Its Chance to Shine

Make no mistake, Blacklist still boasts a talented roster. Veterans like Hadji, Edward, and Oheb provide a solid foundation. Young guns like Ribo and Eyon are burgeoning stars. But losing your Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen invariably diminishes a team’s ceiling.

Change Allows Blacklist to Expand Strategies

Last MPL season without VeeWise, Blacklist barely qualified for the playoffs before suffering an early knockout. History shows they are vulnerable without their heroic carriers. Relying on raw talent alone is unlikely to overcome experienced titans like RSG PH and ONIC PH.

However, VeeWise’s absence allows Blacklist’s next generation to gain invaluable experience. Being thrust into the spotlight will be a baptism by fire for their young prospects. It’s sink or swim time. Playing against elite teams helps seasoning talent adapt to pressure situations. Where some may shrink, others blossom.

Growing Pains Expected But Future Remains Bright

This changing of the guard also enables Blacklist to expand its strategies. Previously, they leaned heavily on VeeWise’s brilliance. Now they must sharpen their macro fundamentals and trust in team-oriented play. A more collaborative Blacklist built to systematically develop leads bodes well for sustainable success.

Early growing pains are inevitable. Asking inexperienced players to immediately fill the shoes of two generational talents is unrealistic. Patience and perspective are required while Blacklist’s prospects and new systems mesh. But with ample coaching and experience, these young stars could eventually scale the heights VeeWise reached.

Win or lose this season, these trials will serve as a crucible that strengthens the next era of Blacklist International. Losing their safety net means Blacklist’s prospects will either sink or swim. Adversity reveals character, and Blacklist’s culture aims to equip these young stars with the grit and resilience to overcome obstacles.

VeeWise earned this chance to recharge

VeeWise’s contributions cannot be overstated – they put Blacklist on the map and made them a globally recognized esports powerhouse. While their absence leaves big shoes to fill, it presents an opportunity for Blacklist’s next generation to make their mark. Fans hope this iconic duo will replenish and return rejuvenated for MPL Season 13.

For now, the sun has set on one iconic chapter in Blacklist’s story. But a new dawn rises with fresh talent now writing their history. This passing of the torch is merely the darkness before the light. The future remains bright for Blacklist International.

Follow GameWatch Tribune for more Mobile Gaming news and updates on Blacklist International‘s journey ahead.

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